Transform. Align. Empower.
To live an extraordinary life, embrace an extraordinary mindset.
— John Assaraf



Are you ready to elevate your business and personal life?

Imagine skyrocketing your sales, mastering your schedule, building a powerhouse team, and finding balance.

You started your business to leave a legacy and live your dream. Now, it’s time to break free from the daily grind and embrace your potential. Your business reflects your strengths and areas for growth.

What is it revealing to you?


step into your power:

• Abandon ineffective habits and achieve the success YoU envision.

• Live in your zone of genius

• Build your dream team

• Invest in personal and business growth

• Master the game and revolutionize your mindset

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ignite your passion and vision

Passion, purpose and vision are your keys to success. Through my Quantum Integrative process, we’ll challenge conventional norms and elevate your business and life. Your journey won’t be easy, but the rewards are unparalleled.

You’re already on on the path to success by seeking answers. You’re an innovator, a leader, and you play by your own rules. Start with yourself, claim your genius, and transform your life and business.

Embrace change

by embracing change, you unlock doors to new opportunities and fresh perspectives. Harnessing the power of change can propel your business and life forward.

  • Adapt to market trends: stay ahead by being flexible and responsive

  • innovate and improve: Continuously refine your strategies

  • Cultivate a growth mindset: commit to lifelong learning and development.

Build lasting relationships

relationships are the foundation of a successful business.

  • Foster trust and collaboration: Build a culture of mutual respect.

  • Enhance communication: Strengthen understanding with your team, clients and partners

  • invest in connections: Dedicate time and resources to nurture relationships

Achieve work-life balance

Balancing work and life is key for sustained success.

  • Prioritize self-care: Make your well-being a priority

  • set boundaries: manage your time to prevent burnout

  • pursue hobbies: Engage in activities outside of work to enrich your life


level up

Seize the next step

Transform. Align. empower.


What others say…

“Heather has been my executive coach for 17 years now, assisting in transitioning me from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. The wealth of knowledge, tools and resources she brings to the table is extraordinary! Her ability to incorporate so many disciplines from business and neuroscience to energy work and pranic healing, haS been incredibly transformational! This is truly a wholistic approach to high performance... and a coaching style like no other!”

  • Jennnifer Graffice (CEO: Jen Graffice QLife)


“Heather takes a deeper approach than a typical business coach. She is a great listener, very compassionate and very intuitive. (when working with heather be) ready to answer some deep questions about yourself and your plans. Work with her if you want to have a long term successful business built from your authentic self.”

  • Randi Bromley (CEO: Life in Balance)


“Heather's intuition and ability to lead the conversation where i needed to go were uncanny. Although I have worked with other professionals over the years, none of them gave me the tools to change my beliefs and behavior like Heather did. Heather has been nothing less than a Godsend to me and I recommend her coaching with the utmost gratitude!”

  • Barbara Nakamura (Artist)

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